More than organizing information and making it accessible, Google has become a pioneer in products with a goal to improve as many people’s lives as possible. As part of the Google team at Huge, I worked both as a product designer and an art director, crafting visual stories for two different Google products.

google home landing page

With the launch of the new Google Home App in 2022, we were tasked to redesign the Google Home website. My task was to elevate the newly updated Material Design and showcase the app’s newest features. We created a modular site, where each feature had its own color, that allowed for smooth navigation and an engaging visual experience.

Experience Design
Art Direction

AD: Iris Kwon
CD: Alejandra Monroy

In collaboration with Huge’s design, strategy, copywriting, and product teams.

care studio

Care Studio is Google’s answer to convoluted and widespread medical information. My role was heavily involved in the concept creation for the two videos we made to promote Care Studio to medical practitioners. I also helped develop the art direction, alongside creating storyboards and UI guidelines needed in order to execute the project to completion.

Sr. Visual Designer

AD: Nathaniel Edminston
CD: Michael Gil
GCD: Abdul Ovaice

In collaboration with Huge’s copywriting, strategy, and studio teams.

A life is a collection of moments, and Care Studio is here to help unlock the stories behind healthcare data.

Instead of speaking to what Care Studio does, the concept’s goal was to humanize healthcare data and the power behind harmonizing siloed medical information to tell a life’s story.

With the recent concerns on tech and the healthcare industry, we wanted the Google brand to not be the driving force behind the project. To solve this, the art direction was meant to be human, warmth, and emotional, focusing on the users and the patients.

Two videos were created. The first one being a more aspirational and emotional one, where the concept truly comes to life through 4 stories. The second one, was more technical and explores three features (search, notes, and conditions) that make Care Studio the powerhouse it is.

Using Format